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Article: How long do you leave a nativity scene up?

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How long do you leave a nativity scene up?

The nativity scene is a traditional depiction of the birth of Jesus Christ that many people set up in their homes and churches during the Christmas season. But how long should you leave the nativity scene up?

Traditions and religious significance

three holy Kings

In many Christian homes and churches, the nativity scene remains up until the Feast of the Epiphany , which falls on January 6. The Three Kings are an important part of the Christmas story and symbolize the worship of Jesus by the non-Jewish peoples, so the nativity scene is often left up until this day to conclude the celebrations of Jesus' birth.

Extension of the Christmas season: Candlemas


In some cultures and households, the nativity scene is left up until February 2 , which is known as Candlemas or the Presentation of the Lord. This date marks the end of the Christmas season in the church calendar and commemorates the presentation of Jesus in the temple and the purification of Mary according to Jewish law. For some people, it is important to keep the Christmas spirit and the spirit of Jesus' birth alive for as long as possible.

Individual preferences and customs

Individual preferences

Ultimately, the decision as to how long the nativity scene remains up is up to the individual. Some people like to keep the nativity scene up as part of the festive decorations beyond the Christmas season, while others take it down soon after December 25th . It is important to respect personal preferences and the meaning behind the tradition.

Conclusion: A question of tradition and personal preference

The length of time one leaves a nativity scene up varies according to tradition, religious beliefs, and personal preference. Whether up until the Feast of the Epiphany or beyond, the nativity scene reminds us of the meaning of Christmas and the birth of Jesus Christ, and its presence in our homes and churches adds to the festivity and spirituality of the holiday season .

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