In the footsteps of tradition: Where was the first nativity scene?
Today, the nativity scene is an integral part of many Christmas traditions around the world. But where exactly did this tradition begin? The story takes us back to its humble beginnings in a small Italian village called Greccio.
The vision of Saint Francis of Assisi
Around 800 years ago, in 1223, Saint Francis of Assisi had a vision to illustrate the Christmas story in a new way. Amidst the barren beauty of the Italian countryside, he created a vivid depiction of the birth of the baby Jesus . Instead of a lavish production in a church, Francis decided to recreate the event in a natural setting.
Greccio as the place of origin
The choice fell on Greccio, a small town in Italy near Assisi. Here, Francis of Assisi set up a simple nativity scene with a stable surrounded by straw and live nativity animals . This representation was intended to give people the opportunity to experience the birth of the baby Jesus in a lively and simple way.
The production was a huge success, drawing people from all over the area to the small Italian town. The atmosphere around the nativity stable was filled with awe and wonder as visitors viewed the scene of the Christmas story.
Foundation stone for worldwide tradition
This simple representation in Greccio laid the foundation for a tradition that spread throughout the world over the centuries. From Italy, the representation of the nativity scene spread throughout Europe and eventually found its way to every continent in the world.
Today, nativity scenes and nativity figures are present in many cultures and traditions, with each country and culture interpreting the scene in its own unique way. But whether carved from wood, sculpted from clay, or staged as a living representation, they all evoke the simple beauty and timeless significance of the birth of Jesus Christ.
The first nativity scene may have stood in a small Italian village more than 800 years ago, but its message of peace, love and hope still shines into the hearts of many people around the world today.